Thursday, November 16, 2006


This has seriously been a season of rashes. In fact, since the littlest mann was born, he's had pretty sensitive skin. Always the one with the weird rashes that doctors have to look up in order to explain. Today was no different.

When we woke up this morning, I saw the beautiful sprout of a new rash. Since he's recently been treated for strep, I was not surprised to see a little scarletina, but by around 3:30, his babysitter became concerned. The rash spread during his nap. Even though she'd given him Benedryl to try to help, his mouth was beginning to be taken over by today's rash. I got off work as soon as I could, and by the time we got to the doctor's office, he looked like a poster child for "why we give kids immunizations". It was really ugly. The lady behind us in line at the pediatrician seriously took about 5 steps away from him once she saw his face. Good thing she didn't see his back!

Turning 5 has been an introduction to allergies for the little dude. The other two were so sick before they were 5. Once we moved them out of the dungeon of hell, my first apartment, they were no longer affected by these horrible creatures. But for him, it seems to be the opposite. We have a new agent to add to his list of allergies. In case you ever wonder, here's the list we've compiled since August. Grass, tomatoes, peanuts, smelly lotion, and now penicillins.

Good thing that Zithromax isn't made with penicillin! It's my favorite antibiotic. Only once a day for 5 days! There's lots less room for error with only once a day! YAY for me!

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