Wednesday, September 26, 2007

When it's really a cold...

I'm going to throw something out here and just see where it lands.

  • If the whole of your family and the people you spend the most time with start to sound like they're talking through their nose just like you, you might have a cold.
  • If your kid asks you to share whatever made your nose so runny so that they can get a day off school, you might have a cold.
  • If you wish you could spend your day pulling your nostrils apart so that they don't touch any other part of your sinus', you might have a cold.
  • When you can't sleep because your choking on your snot, you might have a cold.
  • When you wear a sweatshirt in Florida to stave off the chills, you might have a cold.
  • When not even Taco Bell sounds like a good choice for lunch because you can't taste anything, though it's your favorite place to eat, you might have a cold.
Any others?

1 comment:

  1. Lisa (the girls' moma)September 30, 2007 at 3:03 PM

    I hope you are feeling better, honey!
