Thursday, August 27, 2009

First day a'school! First day a'school!

On Monday, we started back to school for the '09-'10 school year. Each of the kids had their own reaction and preparation for this epic event.

I had my own.

Actually, mine has been brewing for a couple of months. It all started with me keeping up better on the laundry. It no longer migrates from the dryer to the couch for an endless period of time. I actually fold it when it comes OUT OF THE DRYER. Don't be jealous. Get all crazy...trying to be awesome like me with this mad skill...oh wait. that's right. You're already a grown up and this concept isn't new to you.


I noticed a couple of months ago that the smallest's pants have gotten to be about the size that require the tri-fold and the middle guy? his pants have moved all the way to the quad fold.

THEN! On Sunday, I was over a friend's house and Mr. Middle walked up to me and I realized that I was almost looking up to him. Umm...WHAT?

Of course, in a tactical and completely grown-up move, we measured each other ON THE SPOT.

He's about exactly one inch shorter than me. I'm giving him about 3 weeks and he'll pass me for sure. *sigh* I'm not ready for this. :-) Meanwhile, I am equally, completely excited about this.

It's a pretty cool feeling as a mom to watch the babies grow up and become big and awesome. The Big and Awesome that Mr. Middle is bringing to the table right now is pretty much putting a HUGE smile in the deepest parts of my heart.


  1. Lisa (the girls' moma)August 29, 2009 at 6:44 AM

    Oh!!!! Must see the pics. Must. You KNOW that. Put 'em up over on Flickr... it's ok... I'll wait...

    LOVED talking to you, my dear. Like I said, let's make it more often!

    In my heart, we are still there...
