Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Delurking 101

Today is the first blogging holiday I remember ever hearing about. I've learned about many since then, but this Delurking Day is really something.

There's a flutter all over the internet apparently about the decrease the number of comments that are being left. Delurking Day to me is mostly about admitting how much I suck at leaving comments and making a day just so that I can run around to all of the blogs I read and let them know..."hey, I read".

The other thing that Delurking Day offers is an opportunity for me to not be the only person who does this admitting. You too, can hop outside of your reader and join in the fun of letting people know you read what they write.


  1. I hope you continue to comment! I enjoyed reading your comment on my blog!! Happy Delurking day!!

  2. I see you've been busy leaving comments today. Thanks!

    Hope you are settling quickly into your new life.

  3. Hi, B. I don't have a "reader." I don't even know how to do that! :) But, I have some blogs I like to check once in awhile through links on other blogs. Long story short - I read yours once in awhile, and it was nice to get a comment from you today! :) Hope you and your family are enjoying your new job and home.

  4. Lisa (the girls' moma)October 3, 2007 at 11:08 PM

    I read what you write.

    But you already know that.


  5. Thanks for coming by my site and delurking!!

  6. Hi! Thanks for visitng my blog. You are welcome there anytime. :o)And I will come back and visit you too. Looks like you've had a lot of change in your life recently...that can be both difficult and wonderful, huh? I hope you and your family are feeling blessed and that all is going well.
