Saturday, October 27, 2007


I hooked up with mobile blogging today, thus the couple of pics off my phone. I'm hoping that mobile blogging will make NaBloMoPo more successful for me. I'll be traveling quite a bit in the coming month and I'm pretty sure there'll be days there where actually getting logged in and posting something of significant value will be difficult. But, now being able to blog from my phone will make it much simpler to just get out what I'm thinking quickly and send it off.

Also, maybe it'll make me a little better at the whole blog it when it happens because I'll forget in about 5 minutes problem I have.


  1. I too have mobile blogging capabilities but I often forget to use it!! Like yesterday, we went to a pumpkin patch and I thought to myself this morning, "I should of mobile blogged from the pumpkin patch!!" Oh well!!

    Maybe I'll be better at remembering when it's November and NaBloPo!!

  2. Lisa (the girls' moma)October 28, 2007 at 11:40 PM

    It'll become habit when you're out of town and it's the only way you have to get to your blog!

    I loved talking to you tonight. My heart misses yours.

