Saturday, November 3, 2007

Halloween Recap

If you know me, then you know Halloween is not my favorite holiday. In fact, until Softie and I got together, there was no Halloween at my house. Since he determined all those years ago that the kids desevered to play along with the stupid holiday I have made it very clear that any Halloweening that would be done in our house, would be done by him.

Unfortunately, this year was very different. I don't think he intended it that way, but it is how it worked out. The day before and the day of Halloween, Softie had a pretty high fever. So he asked me very sweetly if I could please help it to happen this year. So, I did.

We started Tuesday night with the pumpkin carving.

Then, on Wednesday, Mini Mann made it through the school day without his Power Ranger costume, but as soon as he got home, it was Power Ranger all the time.

I took both boys out trick or treating. We had the Red Power Ranger and the Teenage with a T-Shirt.

That Middle Mann is really growing so fast. I almost can't believe it.
Anyway, we all made it back home with only a few bug bites and LOTS of candy. We gave away all of our candy. All in all, it was a good night. Still not my favorite, but it didn't completely suck.

1 comment:

  1. Glad it was a good night and it didn't suck too bad. You have one cute Power Ranger!!
