Monday, December 24, 2007


Softie and I headed south this weekend and participated in our first community service in MONTHS! I've been nearly dying inside without actively participating in activities that help people since moving to Florida.

A couple of weeks ago at church there was an announcement that anyone who wanted to was invited to join a group in Immokkalee, Florida to bring much needed supplies to the families of the migrant farm workers who live in that area.

I also thought it might be a good way to get connected with people at our church who like to do the same type of thing we like to do.

We arrived late on Friday night at the church where we were invited to stay in preparation for the next day's work. We were greeted by floors on which to sleep and, well, we didn't know that we were supposed to bring sleep gear. Softie slept in the car, but I braved it in the house with the women. On the floor. The Very Hard Floor. Thank goodness we were going to be handing out blankets the next day. Otherwise, it would have been a very cold night on that floor.

Here's a pic of some of our group getting ready to head out for the day's work. We started with a reading from Isaiah as well as a word that was given to one of the volunteers that God was going to show up BIG time for him.

When we got to the empty lot in the small town, we were met with a line of people that had already gathered in hopes of being fed and maybe getting some shoes. I think what they walked away from there with was so much more than just a full belly and some gifts for Christmas. There was some preaching and it was awesome to see and hear it being translated simultaneously into both Spanish and Creole so that most everyone would be able to understand the Good News of the Season of Christmas.

I snapped this photo of a little girl playing Duck Duck Goose while the set up was happening. She was so sweet and innocent looking. In this town where her future is so uncertain, it was sort of sad to see that in her eyes at such a young age.

As usual, the rest of the pics are up on Flickr. I hope you enjoy! We sure did!!

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